Nhill Control Building and Aeradio Station - 2009-2018
tower for rotating beacon - click here for morestation Power HouseAeradio officeLorenz Radio Range transmitter hutRadio Range antenna towerLorenz Radio Range antennaeHF receiver mastHF receiver mast

The historic Control Building at Nhill, on the Adelaide-Melbourne air route in western Victoria, housed one of the original twelve standardised Aeradio stations constructed by Amalgamated Wireless Australasia (AWA) in 1938-39 for DCA. Click here to see the station when it was new.

Today, the Nhill Control buiding is - so far as is known - one of only two surviving examples of these historic buildings (the other is at Hobart/Cambridge) The photo above shows the building in October 2009, looking from the rear. Clearly it was in a state of decay.

Since then the Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre has taken an interest in the building with the intention of restoring it and using it as a museum. Although there is a way to go, when the photos below were taken on 16 March 2018 a distinct improvement is noticeable in the state of the building.


Nhill Aeradio
Nhill Aeradio
Nhill Aeradio
Nhill Aeradio

(Photos: 1-Ken Watson; 2-5-Ben Carthew)

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