F28 Fellowship VH-ATE | |
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Below, VH-ATE gets airborne at Mangalore some time in the 1980s. The first of the three F.28s to be disposed of, VH-ATE was sold to Ansett Airlines of Australia which reserved the registration VH-FKK. This registration was, however, not taken up as the aircraft was on-sold to Time Air of Canada before entering Ansett service. The aircraft was re-registered C-GTAH in March 1988. The proceeds of the sale of VH-ATE were used to fund the acqusition by the Department of H.S.125 VH-JFT.
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Click here to see a pre-delivery photo of VH-ATE as PH-EXN (Photo: Top-CAHS collection 180M-82 / Bottom-SAAM collection) Back to the main Departmental F28 index Back to Departmental Aircraft index page