Airways Museum Virtual Tour - Lodge of Aviation Banner

On 24 November 2005 the Airways Museum acquired a new exhibit in the form of a banner from the Lodge of Aviation No. 531, a Lodge of Masonic Masons.

Consecrated in 1938 for Masons with a common interest in aviation, the Lodge at one time had so many members it took years for them to be admitted after applying to join. However, changes in the local aviation industry saw a steady fall in membership to the point where a separate Lodge was no longer viable and the decision was made to close.

A search for a suitable repository for the Lodge's banner resulted in the Airways Museum accepting custodianship. The banner was painted on cloth over a nine-month period in 1976 by noted aviation and marine artist, Harry Fagan. It features many of the types of aircraft to have flown in the Melbourne area up to that time, from the Bristol Boxkite to the Boeing 747.

The photo above shows the Lodge of Aviation's last Worshipful Master Colin Randall, artist and Lodge member Harry Fagan, and Civil Aviation Historical Society President Roger Meyer at the hand-over of the banner to the Museum.

The banner is currently (c.June 2010) on display in the Airways Museum's Orientation Area.

Airways Museum Virtual Tour



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