Adelaide Airport & Passenger Terminal - 1980s


These photos show Adelaide Airport in the mid-1980s. The upper view is looking south-west while the image below looks east.

The Qantas Boeing 747, above, is parked at the then-new International Terminal. That area, continuing south-west where the rows of trees are, was later re-developed into a new combined domestic and international passenger terminal.

The photo below, looking in the opposite direction, shows the Domestic Terminal with an Ansett Boeing 727 and 737, and a TAA Boeing 727 parked on the apron. A Cessna 310 can also be seen, typical of aircraft used on intra-state charter work.

At the far right of the photo can be seen the special building housing the Smith brothers' historic Vickers Vimy.

By this time, the original passenger terminal, with the old Control Tower on top, had been massively extended into the apron area. The bottom image shows a close-up view of the old terminal and extensions. This terminal and Tower were demolished in March 2009.

Click here to compare these views with similar images from 1957





(Photos: CAHS collection)


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