Film Night at the Airways Museum
Film Night

Historical aviation films from the Civil Aviation Historical Society's archive will be shown in our first Film Night for 2019 at the Airways Museum.

What day? Friday 10 May, 2019
What time? Museum open from 6.30pm, films start 7.30pm
What films?

Altimetry – Terrain clearance and vertical separation (Undated but possibly mid 1950s)

Training film featuring Air Canada Viscounts.

B+W 15 minutes.

Radar for Air Traffic Control (c.1970)

Highly interesting British film showing how radar is employed in air traffic control, including the then-new SSR.

Colour, 25 minutes

Aircraft Propellers (1944)

US film on the principles and types of aircraft propellers. Many unusual wartime aircraft shown.

B+W 15 minutes

Record of Flight (c.1944)

Produced by Dictaphone. Great footage of civil DC-3 and military Liberator operations in the USA.

B+W, 15 minutes

How much?

CAHS Members - free

Non-members - entry by gold coin donation

Free tea and coffee provided


Bookings not required (Note: Our auditorium only has 40 seats - first come, first served!).

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