Instrument Training: the Link Trainer - c.1950s-1960s
The Link Aviation Devices Inc. company in the USA produced some of the earliest and best-known instrument flight training simulators. They were electrically and pneumatically operated and were capable of simulating flight instruments as well as the radio-navigation instruments of the day. Link trainers were fitted with a somewhat rudimentary motion simulation system that responded to the pilot's control inputs as well as allowing the instructor to simulate turbulence. The instructor, located at an adjacent console, had a duplicate instrument panel and the 'flight path' flown by the pilot was plotted on a table for later review. During the Second World War numerous Link trainers were acquired by the RAAF. These photos show a Model D4 (AT51) Link trainer in use with Trans-Australia Airlines, possibly RAAF surplus. The photo above was probably taken at TAA's training centre in Melbourne in the 1950s, while the photos below were taken in the 1960s after the trainer had also been repainted into the airline's new colour scheme. Link trainers were the precursors of today's high-fidelity flight simulators.
(Photos: 1-CAHS collection; 2,3&4-Wilf Lane) Back to the main Flying Operations index page
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