Index of Airtest Articles in Aircraft Magazine

Clicking on the image below will download a 50 KB .pdf file containing an index of 'air test' articles that have appeared in Australia's Aircraft magazine between 1926 and 1990. In all several hundred such articles, describing a wide variety of aircraft, have appeared. Some types were the subject of multiple reports, whilst some well-known types were never reviewed.

If you are searching for a particular type, use the Adobe Acrobat Reader's search function. Tip for searching: This index very much follows the style of the titling of the article concerned. Type numbers are rare where the aircraft type has a proper name, e.g. search for 'Dove' rather than 'DH104'.

Aircraft magazine airtests - click here

Index compiled by Brian Surtees, CAHS.

You can also read the airtest of DCA's new Aero Commander 560E from the July 1959 issue here.

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